
Showing posts from September, 2017
Empty Philosophers have asserted for thousands of years that we are not defined by our bodies, by our deeds, by our feelings, certainly not by our possessions or even by our intentions. These thinkers assert that humanity is defined by spirit, and we’re encouraged to think of ourselves as an empty bowl – my body is the bowl and my spirit resides in the emptiness of the bowl. As a woman actively seeking to define for myself the space between my feelings, my intentions and my thoughts, I ask of myself: what occupies that space? On my best days, it’s love. And maybe on my worst days, it’s love.   My watch word for two years running has been “compassion” and when seeking compassion for myself and others I’ve come to find it only where love resides. My heart has also taught me that love is limitless. I have no fear of giving away too much love. I don’t subscribe to cautions about forgiving the unworthy, or trusting people too much. Where love is concerned, I’m trying to honor my “al